Sage Health & Wellness
Sage Health & Wellness
Services | Colon Hydro Therapy
Services | Colon Hydro Therapy
"Every tissue is fed by the blood, which is supplied by the intestinal system. When the intestines are dirty, the blood is dirty, and so are the organs and tissues. It is the intestinal system that has to be cared for first before any effective healing can take place." Barnard Jensen, PhD
What is the colon and why is a healthy colon so important?
The colon is the last five feet of the digestive tract or large intestines. This is a hollow tube like organ made up of muscle structure that moves digested food and waste along by a wave like motion known as peristalsis. The primary function of the colon is to absorb water, electrolytes and some vitamins, as well as preparing and storing fecal waste prior to elimination. The colon, along with the skin, kidneys and lungs, is a major organ of elimination of toxins and waste. If bowel movements are not regular, the waste products and toxins accumulate and can compromise our health.
Good health is as much a function of our elimination status as the quality of the food we eat. Consider that over 400 million dollars are spent annually on laxatives in the United States. Every year 140,000 Americans are diagnosed as having colon-rectal cancer. Of this two million Americans suffer from colitis, ileitis, diverticulitis and 100,000 Americans have a colostomy each year. Periodic cleansing of the colon could prevent stagnation and minimize the exposure to potential cancer causing agents to the colon wall. In Naturopathic medicine, it is believed that 90 percent of ailments come from diet and digestion.
How do the intestines get out of shape?
Everything we put in our mouth touches and affects the walls of the stomach, small intestine, and colon (large intestine). When these substances or their by-products are toxic, they damage the intestinal wall and cells, intoxicate the nerves and glands, can be absorbed through the walls into the blood, lymph system and ultimately to the cells and tissue.
As a result, peristalsis declines. The slower transit increases fermentation and putrefaction of undigested food by bacteria and yeast. The bacteria and yeast give off toxic wastes in the form of acids and gasses. These substances also cause inflammation and damage to the cells of the intestinal walls. Research indicates these substances can create abnormal behavior and abnormal brain behavior. The nervous system is directly affected. Elimination becomes incomplete and waste remains in the intestines. Dehydration and stagnation occur. This matrix creates erratic conditions in the body we call disease. The main dietary offenders are animal products, salt, sugar, flour, chemicals, and drugs. They are lifeless and give no energy to the digestive system.
How is the lymph system related to the intestines?
The lymph system is part of the circulatory system and a major organ of the immune system. Its clear-to-white fluid is composed of many different types of white blood cells and other substances. One of its main jobs is to transport nutrients from the blood to each cell and remove its waste. Some of the waste is transported to the intestines via the lacteals, that part of the lymph system which empties into the small intestines. It then passes into the large intestine for elimination. When the intestinal walls are impacted the lymph system retains the cell waste. The prolific number of lymph nodes in the abdominal region also becomes storage points for the waste. Lymphatic fluid becomes thicker and if accompanied with dehydration sets the stage for an impaired immune system. Keep the lymph highly fluid by focusing on daily fluid intake, diet, and exercise.
How do I restore my intestinal health?
The colon hydrotherapy sessions with water and abdominal massage break up this matter within the small and large intestines with excellent results. People attain the most success with colon hydrotherapy when done in conjunction with fluids, exercise and diet. The most successful methods of ongoing removal of waste from the walls of the stomach, small intestine, and colon are:
- Keeping a fluid intake of three quarts or more; Hydrates, dissolves, disinfects, soothes, and tones intestinal tissue.
- Taking 30-40 grams of fiber daily; Fiber has the capacity to extract many feet of mucus from the intestinal walls in a short period of time. Fruits are solvents in the system and acid fruits are the strongest solvents.
- Eating a high volume of fresh fruits and vegetables; Herbal and dietary products may be used to disinfect, soothe, and tones tissue. Antiviral, anti-fungal, antibacterial herbs.
- Chewing your food thoroughly
- Fasting
- Squatting or using the squatting stool while having a bowel movement.
- Resolve the issues that are harming you in any way emotionally and mentally.
- Abdominal massage upon rising in clockwise direction; Massage therapy and a regular exercise program break up hardened matter, stimulate lymph circulation, and tones weakened abdominal tissue.
- Breathing deeply down into abdomen when having a bowel movement; Breathing, exercise, yoga and meditation are the best ways to focus on and train ourselves to breathe. The rhythm of the breath is the basis of peristalsis, relaxation of the nervous system and regeneration of the blood. All are necessary for healthy intestines to work.